Feeling lots of change? THIS IS YOUR SIGN TO… BREATHE.
We are deep in the eclipse season… aka an intense energetic time for transformation…
Things that we had tucked under the rug, left unseen, are now being shown to us.
Fully revealed.
Nothing held back.
In times like this we have 2 clear options:
1. Cower down into a little ball hoping for the storm to pass. Maybe play the victim card and stay small?
2. Change our perspective by standing taller than the storms of change and see from above the debris-filled clouds into a CLEAR perspective.
From here we can ask ourselves:
a. Who do I get to BE to bring in grace & ease into my life?
b. What supports me to stay grounded while living in an unpredictable world?
c. What can I learn from the way I am responding to change right now?
So yes, a lot is changing and happening right now, that’s inevitable.
But WHO do you get to BE through the changes no matter what comes?
I choose to be LOVE. I choose to be SERVICE. I choose to be CREATRIX.
What do you choose?