“SHE RESTS TO CREATE” is what a card I pulled on multiple occasions this year reminded me of…
And in case you were wondering…
100% YES this is one of the biggest reminders I need in my life.
As someone who is passionate about CREATING (bringing ideas to life, desire into matter) I have at times said yes to more than is sustainable.
What happens when we’re spread too thin?
We burnout, get resentful, bitter and it stops being “flowy and fun”…
Anyone out there resonate?
If you do, you’re not alone.
You’re not broken.
It doesn’t always have to look and feel this way… there are ways out of the overcommitted, overstretched dark hole.
Here are some pointers to get you started:
💃🏻 Feel your true ALIGNMENT. Your body wisdom knows the way and can lead you to your true yess and clear no.
👀Notice WHY you are saying yes to more things. Is it a FULLY BODY YES, total alignment or… are you trying to prove something?
💆🏻♀️ Is it that you are actually overstretched or… are you growing your plate and could use a bit more organization? (this is particularly important if you feel like there’s too much emotion and not enough structure)
And back to the card pull I mentioned in the beginning…
It is in the REST periods that we can receive the clearest, most profound messages from Source.
It is in the rest that we release our human attachments and allow for the Universe to serve and support us through creation.
I fully share your opinion. An excellent idea, I agree with you.
Thank you so much!